Why one must Blog
Modern development in technology has given us the internet
connectivity, super friendly mobile phone, portable computers and much
more. With all this sharing has become easier, but still-blogs seem to
be the least used. All that we share seems to die out on the walls of
facebook. This post lists few reason why I feel we all must Blog.
To share
Sharing is one of the most humane acts one can do. Since childhood we
are taught to share. but somewhere in the midst of living a
materialistic life we forget to share. An interesting story about
ubuntu which means I am
because we are.
/“An anthropologist proposed a game to African tribe kids. He put a
basket full of fruit near a tree and told them that whoever got there
first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each
others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats.
When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all
the fruits for himself they said:UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if
all the other ones are sad?/
Ubuntu in the Xhosa culture means: " I am because WE are”.
/Realistically it is very difficult for us-children of the internet age
to do what the children in Africa did, but one thing we all can share is
our knowledge and experiences. Whats a more better platform than the
internet! With blogging platforms making stuff super simple Its one the
best options to share learn and create.
Documenting oneself
Ones life is spread over few decades, where one has done quite a lot. It
becomes important to document all this work for various reasons.
Primarily to prove to others about having done it. It also becomes a
reference for oneself to improve upon it and acts as a guide while
working on similar lines again.
Self Reflection
Ones Writing captures the state of mind and feeling in a way only the
writer can understand. When rereading the blog one is taken on a journey
of ones evolution. Personally its the most enthralling journey one goes
through -to literally see how one has evolved in course of time. Each
post capturing the state of mind,the emotion, the experience, mental
maturity, ones outlook towards life and many more intricate details only
visible to the author.
“over a period of time, ones blog becomes the reflection of oneself–in
the purest form."
/*Need to let it out*
Another very important role played by blogging is the very fact that it
closely replaces our need to talk out. In an age where people hardly
make time for one-another, each one needs wants to let out frustration
and anger. Blog I feel are the best replacement, it is also documented
and reminds oneself later in life about the experiences and the lessons
learnt during that time.
Make a difference
There is in all of us an urge to do a small part in helping the world
make a better place. Blogs act as the first and simplest step for this.
Personally I started blogging after reading
the epilogue of
the book
of an economic hitman.
Now, many of the young generation are involved with NGO’s and other
activities. To make this effective, blogs are most important. It
inspires many others to contribute in ways similar.
As for activists, since one does not always have an opportunity to write
and publish in news papers and magazines-blogs seem to be the most
easiest and effective way to communicate ones ideas and actions.
Blogs can be of various kinds, photo-articles,text articles, sequence of images, Maybe just one image…..Or you can come up with your own unique way.